Research Publications

Public Attitude Monitor 1985

This study focuses on the pubic perceptions of fairness in personal injury lawsuits and the trends in the civil justice system - reasons for more lawsuits regarding personal injuries. It also explores public opinions on drinking and driving behavior, cost of auto insurance, and fairness of gender-based auto insurance rates.

Public Attitude Monitor 1984

This nationwide survey of U.S. households probes public attitudes toward sale of insurance by various kinds of financial institutions and the steps needed to protect the public from insolvencies of private financial institutions. It also examines how people shop for auto insurance.

Public Attitude Monitor 1983

In addition to covering many of the auto-related topics probed in the three previous PAM surveys, the 1983 study introduces a number of new topics including public perceptions of homeowners insurance, types of coverage, cost of owning and operating a car, gender-neutral insurance rating factors, and drunk driving.

Public Attitude Monitor 1982

Topics explored in this third PAM study include: cost of owning and operating a car, perceptions about the cost of auto insurance and auto insurance rating factors, items influencing car purchase decisions, support for drunk driving countermeasures, and extent of accident reporting.

Public Attitude Monitor 1981

In addition to covering many of the auto-related topics listed for the 1982 survey, the 1981 study explores public attitudes toward insurance claim fraud and provides information on consumer experience with and attitudes towards buying homeowners insurance, cost of auto insurance and other auto-related topics.

Public Attitude Monitor 1980

This initial survey focuses on topics of ownership of vehicles and auto insurance including: attitudes toward auto-related expenses, problems in buying auto insurance, availability of information about auto insurance, auto insurance selection and rating factors, government regulation and competition.